Smart Accounts System

Product Description
💢 Features 💢
Manage Income Categories 💰
Agami Soft Smart Accounts System lets you categorize your transactions infinite categories and subcategories to give you a clear picture of your Income.
- Income Categories.
- Income Report
- Assigning Amount to a Category
Receivable Payment History 📚
- Date Wise Payment receivable History
- Track Payable Amount
- Full Debit and Credit Function
Payable Payment History 📰
- Full Debit and Credit Function
- Date Wise Payment Payable History
- Tracking Payment Reason
Track Expenses 🎐
- Store expense record with reference
- Ability to keep records of daily expenses
- Export daily, weekly, monthly, yearly expenses report.
Bank Statement 📑
- Manage Bank Accounts (Add, update, etc.)
- System will keep records of Bank Transaction
- Bank Transaction history
- Deposit History
- Withdrawal History
Advanced Graphical Reporting 📈
- Better Goth Visualization
- Monitor your growth daily, weekly, monthly or yearly reports
- Include Pie charts, Line Charts
- Applying Filter
- Compare actual Income and Expense with budget
Why You Need Account Management Software ?
It Automates Redundant tasks ⚙️
Data entry is time-consuming. With any well-known Accounts System, mechanized installment plans enable you to to enter a client’s data once. A client’s installment propensities and acquiring history are followed for reference. When gathering installments is expected, you’ll at that point get payments without putting in additional work from your end. It likewise gives you merchant history and maturing with reports for every part which makes finding and recovering invoices and payments faster quicker. The aggregate of every exchange history is additionally spared in the framework without you having to enter the information individually physically. Not exclusively does this spares you time. However, this likewise dispenses with potential blunders from interpreting data manually. Numerous banks also permit a direct download of your financial balance so you can easily input without much of a stretch info an entire month of exchanges.
It helps with Taxes 💸
Utilizing a conventional Accounts System set up expects you to record the measured amount of money you spend and receive and get in a sorted out manner. This enables you to remain over your records when ordering and trading reports and receipts to your accounts effortlessly. Appropriately gathered records likewise make your accountant activity simpler in dealing with your expenses. Some product similarly conforms to impose office manages through organizing solicitations consequently so you won’t confront cerebral pains during tax season. It additionally empowers review audit-proof books. Which make the examining procedure shorter as IRS auditors may check and complete a quick audit to check whether the bank statements line up with the software’s records.
It provides Digital Invoices 🏷
In an innovation-driven world, desk work is obsolete. Numerous procedures these days are enabled by technology. It’s even anticipated that by 2022, 70% of software associations of endeavors will occur in cell phones, which stresses the significance of excelling against your competitors. Sending an advanced receipt to your clients utilizing email is advantageous both for you and your client. Clients can send their installments with just a couple of clicks which make gathering them quicker and simpler. Many accountants stages these days coordinate with different installment channels that permit credit and platinum cards, bank transfers, and e-wallets.
It Cuts Costs ✂️
Automating your accounting tasks saves you money over the long haul. It kills the requirement for procuring an accountant or assigning additional hours of their workday to deal with all books, solicitations, and exchanges. In business, time is identical to cash and improving this procedure incredibly lessens accounting hours. Besides, the product has membership-based valuing models with low expenses to pay on a month to month or yearly premise. Buying into an arrangement gives you customary updates, backing, and instruments which empowers you to concentrate on really maintaining your business.